Part of the Bridge Fellowship

Plan Your Visit


We are glad you are joining us! Whether you are a first time visitor or you have attended a few services, we want to help you find your way.

Please enter the church building at the door closest to the parking lot. Please stop by our welcome center. Someone will be there to greet you and give you directions on where to go.


The Worship Service is at 11:00am in the auditorium. Junior Church is available for 4 years through 3rd grade. Nursery is also provided.


Because we believe God’s word is central to living the Christian life, we ground all our preaching and worship in the Bible. In each sermon, we consider a passage from the Bible, listening to God speak to us through the Holy Spirit. We preach expositionally, studying a book of the Bible, verse-by-verse, asking what the passage means in its context, and how it applies to our lives.


It is a privilege to worship and serve our Creator. God is honored when the church gathers to worship him in spirit and in truth. We are renewed and encouraged in doing so. Our music has a strong emphasis on hymns, which offer Christians a rich expression of theology. We have placed an emphasis on congregational singing because the worship of God is something in which believers are called to participate. We remember God’s character and ways through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, through the offering of prayers, through the public reading of Scripture and through the preaching of the word. We respond to God’s word with submissive hearts, generous giving, and obedient lives. Corporate worship instructs us in the way we approach the Father as individual worshipers each day.


Sunday school classes (2 – 12th grade) at 9:45 am
AWANA (5 years – 6th grade), youth group (7th-9th grade) every Wednesday, through the school year from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Click here for more info on our Wednesday night programs.


Adult Bible studies at 9:45 am every Sunday morning.


Small Group studies are available Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm. This is a time where we meet in a small group to  grow, build friendships and learn how to do life with others. Once a month we have fellowship gatherings at someone’s home.